Projected Schedule

Year One Goals:

The first year will be devoted to raising awareness and establishing a strong network among the community, raising funds, identifying and acquiring suitable land, establishing the council structure and decision making process, creating architectural designs, community layout and permaculture designs, establishing the trust, legal and financial structures, and research and development.


We acknowledge that every step we take in this process is a seed planted that will determine how the community will grow. Therefore our intention is to be mindful of our process as a first priority. Our initial steps will include the process of learning circle governance skills such as nonviolent communication and the language of peace, consensus building, mediation and facilitation. As an organically growing group, we will practice these skills in every meeting we have. Every circle begins and ends with pule, (prayer and meditation). Within these circle meetings is where we'll decide the fundamental questions such as governing structures, financial distribution, and residential applications.

We're embarking on a whole new way, a paradigm shift, and our process will be the adventure of courageous souls willing to risk an exchange of old patterns for a new, a more cooperative and integrative way in every aspect of life. We'll begin the process of learning circle governance by acquiring and studying information in the form of books, tapes and information from the Internet. We'll also solicit our knowledgeable neighbors, (or invite special teachers if need be), to offer workshops which we could sponsor for the larger community to participate in. Our research and experience has shown us time after time that positive human interaction is the most important element in the formation and maintenance of any community, therefore we'll continue to emphasize it throughout the process. Communication, compassion, conflict resolution, cooperation, and community of equals�these we hold paramount.

Awareness and networking will happen in a variety of ways, including the Project Common Ground Web Site, door-to-door canvassing, radio programs, presentations to churches, families, and community service organizations, and written presentations such as flyers, proposals and local media. Emphasis will be placed on listening to community input. Raising funds will happen in many of these same ways. More research needs to occur regarding our legal structure.

It's our intention that the acquisition and initial set-up costs come from tax-deductible donations. In this way we make it possible to create the residential community according to the quality and motivation of individuals, rather than on how much money they have. This is important as we're attempting to create a community of equals. We would like to secure the land in a trust, with the trustees being respected community leaders and the beneficiaries being the future generations of Kaua'i forever. As our plan is for the community to become self-sufficient as soon as possible, we'll not need to depend on charitable donations for long. Soon we'll be making donations to other community causes!

Year Two

Now we'll begin our groundwork including establishment of gardens, restoration of land, waterways, sacred sites and trails, site preparation for community center and other buildings, and infrastructure development. Networking, awareness raising and further solidification of social structure will continue, as well as fundraising. Workshops and courses will be offered on every level including permaculture design, sustainable house building and design, restoration, communication and cooperation techniques, cultural events and community celebrations.

Year Three through Five

During this time, we intend to have a core residential community established and functioning. Our councils will be fully operational. The primary community center will be in place. Our gardens will be producing and we'll begin marketing and distribution. Development of further gardens and buildings will continue and their development will offered as courses for residents, youth and visitors. Other programs and courses will also be offered, in conjunction with the cooperative home school project, (all ages). (Residents' course fees will be on a sliding scale, resident youth will be free and visitors will pay a regular course fee). Gardens will be further developed and restoration projects will continue. Integration with the larger neighborhood will be an emphasis.

Multi-cultural events, ceremonies, healing symposiums, and activities will be happening with an emphasis on Hawaiian culture. We will be reestablishing terraces and ditch systems, and exploring alternative and sustainable energy systems. We will be documenting our efforts to share with our larger community and compiling a community library on all related subjects. We will be supporting the efforts of local watershed councils and farmer's cooperatives.

Year Five through Ten

During these years we'll be refining the efforts of earlier years while continuing on the same path. Additional community spaces will be constructed as needed, and more residential and visitor huts. Restoration and garden work will continue. More time will be devoted to art, music, dance, health, and accumulation of wisdom, as our survival is becoming more established, This will be reflected in the daily life of residents as well as courses and cooperative home school classes offered�more community events celebrating our cultural differences and commonalities�continued exploration in the area of circle governance, communication, and cooperative reality�expansion of programs offered�continued documentation and community outreach.